
Rodarte: The Curve of Forgotten Things.

To be honest I’m not that crazy about Rodarte in general, although they usually have a few pieces that wow me… just like the second outfit that Elle Fanning wears. I’ve watched that scene at least a dozen times. I thought it was a romper at first (and I kind of wish that it was) but I could totally rock those pants and top, together or separate!!


tUnE-yArDs: Bizness

Can’t stop watching. Can’t stop listening. I’m so happy that I was able to see her at SXSW this year, even if it was only a few songs. I absolutely positively cannot wait for the new album to drop.


Advanced Style: Age & Beauty

These women are my role models in life. Advanced Style is BY FAR one of my favorite fashion/style blogs out there, and you must check it out if you haven’t.

Favorite quote:

Young Women, you’re going to be an old woman some day – don’t sweat it, don’t worry about getting older. Every era, it builds character.