Whimsy and Polka-Dots.

I’m wearing brown! Yes, yes… I’ll admit that there’s more black in the outfit, but it still counts towards my new years resolution!! I first blogged about this skirt a while back (here). It’s one of my favorite pieces to wear, and I feel like it always adds a bit of femininity and whimsy to my outfits.

Details: Top: Vintage. Skirt: Vintage. Tights: American Apparel and Urban Outfitters. Shoes: Bandolino from DSW Necklaces: Forever 21 and BCBG. Ring: BCBG.

Once again my wonderful friend Heather took these pictures for me (love you!!)

Norway. ish.

I’ve been promising my friends and family that I would blog about my design projects for quite some time, and thanks to my wonderful friend Seth, who hooked me up with a scanner at UT, I’m finally am able to! I posted the first one a couple of days ago here. That was for my Fashion Illustration class, and this one is my first project from my Fashion Design class. We had to select a country as our inspiration, and I chose Norway. Don’t ask me why because all I can say is that I wanted to do something different…and I’m pretty sure that I had the song “Norway” by Beach House stuck in my head (listen to it here!). To start we all collected tons of pictures based on our country and created a research book using those images, and then we used our research books as inspiration to create sketches, tons and tons of sketches.

The picture above is my mood board, which contains some images from my research book that I felt best exemplified and explained the looks that I chose for my final collection. It also has fabric swatches that the pieces would be made out of. I ended up with a heavyweight and a midweight black wool, a grey lightweight wool, and pink velveteen, blue silk something… and I can’t remember what the white one was (ah!). I’m just at the beginning of school and learning how to sketch and render the fabrics, so I know these aren’t uh-mazing but I’m still proud of them! I can’t wait to compare these to the projects that I’m going to finish this semester. My favorite look is probably the first one on the right, but it changes a lot. My Fashion Design class was the most challenging one I took last semester, and also definitely the most rewarding. I am really looking forward to getting back to school so I can start being creative and productive again!

Fashion Illustration.

Over a month ago I wrote about starting the final for my Fashion Illustration class last semester (here), and this is the end result! Obviously I went with the Alexander McQueen dress (at least I hope that’s obvious). I wish I had taken pictures during the entire process to show y’all, but I was so focused on finishing that I didn’t really think about it. All in all I spent more than an entire weekend on the embroidery for this project and ended up drawing blood a few times. ouch! Overall I was happy with the end result, even though my instructor didn’t seem to be too impressed with my work. I ended up getting an A in the class though!

(If you’re interested you can click on the picture and zoom in to see my handiwork!)


I know what you must be thinking, stripes, plaid, and leopard? YES! In fact when I went later that night I put on a black and white floral cardigan. My obsession for mixing prints and patterns absolutely positively cannot be controlled! The adorable scarf I’m wearing I won in a drawing that Alicia over at Cheetah is the New Black held last month. She’s a great style blogger with an eye for what I would call “casual glamour”, and not to mention she’s totally obsessed with everything leopard print (ie a girl after my own heart!)! You should definitely check out her blog! I’m totally loving with this look of hers.

Details. Shirt: J.Crew (ooooooold). Shorts: Urban Renewal from Urban Outfitters. Tights: DKNY from Nordstroms. Scarf: Lulu’s via giveaway from Cheetah is the New Black. Necklace: Forever 21. Spike Ring: Fallon Jewelry from shopbop.com.

After seeing my last outfit post (see for yourself here) my wonderful friend Heather took pity on me and offered to help me out with a mini photo shoot. She captured all of these pictures and I love her for it!

In the Beginning.

So this is my real first go at an outfit post! Yay!! Take note, if you didn’t already know: It’s really difficult to take pictures of yourself without a tripod and a remote. I have both of those things back in SF, so hopefully these posts will immediately improve once I have access to my equipment. Please bear with me for now, I’m just doing my best to stick to my resolution! I know it’s not much to look at, but as the saying goes you gotta start from somewhere. Right?


Details. Dress: Barneys Co-op. Scarf: Urban Outfitters. Jewelry: Forever 21, Vintage, Urban Outfitters. Tights: Urban Outfitters.

I Love Black Booties. (no pun intended.)

Recently I’ve come to realize I’m addicted to black boots and booties. Totally, Absolutely, and Completely. I cannot get enough, and I doubt my need for them will ever be satisfied. I own at least 7 pairs (that I can remember off the top of my head), and I am constantly lusting and drooling after ones that I don’t have. I’m sure you’ll get the gist of what I’m saying once I start posting outfit dailies!! (Get excited because it’s gonna be soon!! [fingers crossed])

Anyway, here are some super cute black booties that I’m currently lusting over. (I realize that not all of these technically fall into the “booties” category, but for the sake of the post… just go with it.)

Black Booties - Solestruck

Black Booties – Solestruck by jacih

Jeffrey Campbell TICK NS
$170 – solestruck.com

Jeffrey Campbell Pixie in Black Suede
$180 – solestruck.com

Matiko HALLE
$175 – solestruck.com

Jeffrey Campbell ALL STUD
$270 – solestruck.com

Jeffrey Campbell DINO
$170 – solestruck.com